
Steam nfs underground
Steam nfs underground

steam nfs underground

Brooke Burke is the voice of Rachel Teller, the person who guides the player throughout the game. If you have named the game (from speed.exe to Need for Speed: Underground) correct, click Images, Need for Speed: Underground and select the Artwork you like. The City Center was based on Philadelphia, Beacon Hill was based on Beverly Hills and Coal Harbor was based on Camden, New Jersey, and Bayview as a whole is a microcosm of the west coast of the United States. Need for Speed: Underground 2 provides several new features, such as a broader customization, new methods of selecting races, the "explore" mode in a large city known as "Bayview". The game entails tuning cars for street races, resuming the Need for Speed: Underground storyline. It was also commercially successful, breaking sales records in the United Kingdom. It was developed and published by Electronic Arts in 2004, for Microsoft Windows, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS and mobile phones. Need for Speed: Underground 2 is a cross-platform racing video game and the eighth installment in the Need for Speed series, the direct sequel to Need for Speed: Underground.

Steam nfs underground